Contact us

You can get in touch with us at our contact information below.

Contact us

You can get in touch with us at our contact information below.

If you need to contact us, you can complete the form below or contact a team individually.

You can contact us by post at: Martlets Hospice, Wayfield Avenue, Hove, BN3 7LW

For general enquiries call: 01273 273400

For care enquiries call: 01273 964164

For visitor information, please go to our visit us page.

We have been made aware that scam callers are making calls to our supporters claiming to be from Martlets. We are not calling our supporters to update their details.

Please note: we cannot give out patient information via this form.

Contact form

  • We help people do the things they love with the time they have. But we’re only able to do this with your generous support. That’s why we would like to keep you informed of our latest news, future fundraising activities, appeals and other ways in which you can support us
  • Privacy Statement: We will not sell or give your contact details to any other organisation to use for their own purposes unless requested to by law. We’ll reach out to you every three years to make sure you are still happy to hear from us in the way you have requested. Our promise to you: We will keep your details safe, and we will only allow your information to be used by suppliers working on our behalf.
  • We will continue to send post to you about how your support has made a difference. However, if you would prefer not to hear from us by post, please tick here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you need to contact us, you can complete the form below or contact a team individually.

You can contact us by post at: Martlets Hospice, Wayfield Avenue, Hove, BN3 7LW 

Phone: 01273 273400.

For visitor information, please go to our visit us page.

We have been made aware that scam callers are making calls to our supporters claiming to be from Martlets. We are not calling our supporters to update their details.

Please note: we cannot give out patient information via this form.

Contact form

  • We help people do the things they love with the time they have. But we’re only able to do this with your generous support. That’s why we would like to keep you informed of our latest news, future fundraising activities, appeals and other ways in which you can support us
  • Privacy Statement: We will not sell or give your contact details to any other organisation to use for their own purposes unless requested to by law. We’ll reach out to you every three years to make sure you are still happy to hear from us in the way you have requested. Our promise to you: We will keep your details safe, and we will only allow your information to be used by suppliers working on our behalf.
  • We will continue to send post to you about how your support has made a difference. However, if you would prefer not to hear from us by post, please tick here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Contact a team

Here's how you can get in touch with our individual teams

Contact a team

Here's how you can get in touch with our individual teams.


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picture of patient wearing blue shirt with a physiotherapist


picture of patient wearing blue shirt with a physiotherapist

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