What’s on

Find out what’s happening in your community and support Martlets by attending one of our upcoming events.
Cupcakes with Team Martlets flags

What’s on

Cupcakes with Team Martlets flags

Find out what’s happening in your community and support Martlets by attending one of our upcoming events.

Are you planning a fundraising event? Register your event and let the team know here and the team will be touch to support you.
Are you planning a fundraising event? Register your event and let the team know here and the team will be touch to support you.

Martlets Open Gardens 2024

Stanford Avenue Community Garden

25 July, from 10am to 12pm

1 Cleveland Road, Brighton, BN1 6FF


Could you open your garden?

There is still time to sign up to open your garden for Martlets.

Martlets Open Gardens
Sign up

Find out what's on

Martlets Zumbathon

Saturday 28 September

Brighton Syndicate Centre, Brighton

Martlets Zumbathon
Sign up today

Already doing your own thing? 

Let us know and start fundraising

Fundraise for us

Martlets Open Gardens 2024

Stanford Avenue Community Garden

25 July, from 10am to 12pm

1 Cleveland Road, Brighton, BN1 6FF


Could you open your garden?

There is still time to sign up to open your garden for Martlets.

Martlets Open Gardens
Sign up

Find out what's on

Martlets Zumbathon

Saturday 28 September

Brighton Syndicate Centre, Brighton

Martlets Zumbathon
Sign up today

Already doing your own thing? 

Let us know and start fundraising

Fundraise for us

Take part

Up for a challenge? Take part and sign up to one of our Martlets Challenge event
Explore upcoming events
Girl taking on Tough Mudder challenge

Take Part

Girl taking on Tough Mudder challenge

Up for a challenge? Take part and sign up to one of our Martlets Challenge event

Explore upcoming events