Cat and Gratitute Shaun the Sheep bench

Loss, love, and sheep


Earlier this year, Cat’s dad was cared for by Martlets and spent his final days on our inpatient ward. Cat was supported by our bereavement counselling service, and Shaun the Sheep.

Margaret smiling

Remembering Margaret

Blog Stories

Sue’s sister Margaret was a nurse on Martlets’ inpatient unit (IPU).  After becoming ill with terminal cancer, Margaret was cared for in her last days by Martlets on the IPU. Sue shares her story here. 

Our CQC Rating

Martlets’ last CQC inspection report was published in February 2016 prior to the rebuilding and refurbishment of our hospice, therefore our CQC report shows as ‘archived’ on the CQC website. Our 2016 CQC report can be found here.

We moved back to our new Hospice building at Wayfield Avenue in November 2023 following a CQC site inspection where our hospice was declared compliant against all CQC standards. Our services have not been inspected since we moved to our new building.

Registered with Fundraising Regulator

Fundraising regulator

Part of the Southern Hospice Group