Feedback and complaints
Thank you for offering us feedback on our services.
Feedback and complaints

Thank you for offering us feedback on our services.
Giving feedback
We value and welcome feedback from everyone who uses our services. From the feedback we receive we are able to improve the care we provide.
Raising a concern or complaint will not negatively affect how you are treated or cared for, now or in the future. We will ensure all concerns and complaints are dealt with promptly, effectively and in confidence.
In order to give feedback or complaints via our website please use the form below. You can give feedback on a variety of areas from our shops to our care. There is further detail on how we process feedback and complaints in our fundraising feedback and complaints policy below.
If your comment or complaint relates to any element of our care, there is further guidance on our procedure available below.
Feedback and complaints
Offering feedback on specific services
If you would like to understand how your complaint will be handled, please view our feedback policies at the links below.
Giving feedback
We value and welcome feedback from everyone who uses our services. From the feedback we receive we are able to improve the care we provide.
Raising a concern or complaint will not negatively affect how you are treated or cared for, now or in the future. We will ensure all concerns and complaints are dealt with promptly, effectively and in confidence.
In order to give feedback or complaints via our website please use the form below. You can give feedback on a variety of areas from our shops to our care. There is further detail on how we process feedback and complaints in our fundraising feedback and complaints policy below.
If your comment or complaint relates to any element of our care, there is further guidance on our procedure available below.
Offering feedback on specific services
If you would like to understand how your complaint will be handled, please view our feedback policies at the links below.