What we do
As a professional, these are some of services your patients can be referred for.
What we do

Our care
Martlets provides specialist palliative and end of life care to adults (over 18 years) living in Brighton and Hove and The Havens, living through a terminal illness with complex symptoms and needs.
We help people who are suffering from complex pain and/or other symptoms related to their illness, as well as provide specialist end of life care and support, specialist help with rehabilitation, psychosocial and spiritual issues, or adjustment to deteriorating function, complex advance care planning and support to those that are bereaved.
We also provide expert advice and guidance to other professionals involved in providing palliative and end of life care.
Most people receive care from us in their own homes. Others choose to spend their final days here, or to join us as inpatients for complex symptom management.
Patients and carers cannot refer to our services - we take referrals from medical professionals. The earlier we receive this referral, the more likely we can help a patient living with a terminal illness live better and longer.
Our care
Martlets provides specialist palliative and end of life care to adults (over 18 years) living in Brighton and Hove and The Havens, living through a terminal illness with complex symptoms and needs.
We help people who are suffering from complex pain and/or other symptoms related to their illness, as well as provide specialist end of life care and support, specialist help with rehabilitation, psychosocial and spiritual issues, or adjustment to deteriorating function, complex advance care planning and support to those that are bereaved.
We also provide expert advice and guidance to other professionals involved in providing palliative and end of life care.
Most people receive care from us in their own homes. Others choose to spend their final days here, or to join us as inpatients for complex symptom management.
Patients and carers cannot refer to our services - we take referrals from medical professionals. The earlier we receive this referral, the more likely we can help a patient living with a terminal illness live better and longer.
What we offer
Here are some of the services we offer to your patients.
What we offer

Inpatient Ward
Our new Hospice is now complete and we are in the process of moving back to Wayfield Avenue. Our new inpatient ward includes 14 ensuite rooms and more space for patients and their loved ones to spend time together.
Our inpatient ward offers care in our patients’ final days, or for symptom management . Around half of our patients who come to stay at the inpatient ward go home again once they are more in control of their symptoms and pain management.
Community Services
We also provide a variety of services in patients homes such as community nursing, clinical nurse specialists, physio and OT, social workers, and chaplaincy.
In addition to this, we have a 24-hour 'Hub' service which allows patients, carers and professionals to call a special hotline at any time for medical advice and help with symptoms.
Wellbeing and emotional support
We run a variety of groups and complementary therapies which are open to any patient, and their families, who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and live within the service area.
We also offer a comprehensive bereavement service to the family and close friends of all patients cared for by Martlets. This can include counselling, remembrance events and social evenings.
Patients can also access social care support for their needs.
Inpatient ward
Our new Hospice is now complete and we are in the process of moving back to Wayfield Avenue. Our new inpatient ward includes 14 ensuite rooms and more space for patients and their loved ones to spend time together.
Our inpatient ward offers care in our patients’ final days, or for symptom management. Around half of our patients who come to stay at the inpatient ward go home again once they are more in control of their symptoms and pain management.
Community services
We also provide a variety of services in patients homes such as community nursing, clinical nurse specialists, physio and OT, social workers, and chaplaincy.
In addition to this, we have a 24-hour 'Hub' service which allows patients, carers and professionals to call a special hotline at any time for medical advice and help with symptoms.
Wellbeing and emotional support
We run a variety of groups and complementary therapies which are open to any patient, and their families, who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and live within the service area.
We also offer a comprehensive bereavement service to the family and close friends of all patients cared for by Martlets. This can include counselling, remembrance events and social evenings.
Patients can also access social care support for their needs.
Refer to Martlets
Find out how you can make a referral.
Refer to Martlets