Ideas to remember a loved one

Jane, our Counselling and Bereavement Services Manager, shares some ideas to remember a loved one.

“When a loved one has died some people may find comfort in activities to remember that loved one and recount the time they spent together. We often make memory boxes or memory jars at the hospice – adults and children alike find them therapeutic and beneficial. There are lots of other ways to remember a loved one though, I’ve listed just a few of these below. You may find none of these ideas appeal to you but hopefully, they’ll inspire you to think of other ways to remember your loved one.

Plant in remembrance

Planting Forget Me Nots is a beautiful way to remember a loved one. You can either select and decorate a special pot to plant them in or grow them directly in your garden, perhaps in a place that reminds you of them. Forget Me Nots are very easy to grow and are available in sky blue, pink, and white.

Forget Me Not seeds can also make an empathic gift for someone who is grieving.

Alternatively, you could plant a tree, flower garden, or butterfly garden to remember your loved one. There is a satisfaction that comes with giving and growing life whilst remembering a loved one, and it is a lasting remembrance project.

Make bunting

Memory bunting can be a creative and lasting way to remember someone who has died. It can be made with a fabric or pattern inspired my memories of them or even have memories written directly onto each piece of bunting. There’s a lot of choice in creating different patterns, shapes, and choosing different colours to make it unique to your loved one.

Paint stones

Finding a stone that reminds you of a loved one and is comforting to hold can be a good way to remember. Stones provide a brilliant canvas to create or paint memories of a loved one on to- even writing their name on a stone can be a way to remember them. Stones can be placed in favourite spots, under trees, in gardens – there’s a lot of possibilities.

Light candles

This is quite a long-standing way to remember a loved one and is very simple. You can light a candle whenever you want to remember your time with them or on the anniversaries that are special to you. This can be a lasting, and comforting connector between you and another life.

Blow bubbles

Blowing bubbles is always fun; watching them bounce around towards the sky and twist with the wind. It also requires you to exhale and breathe. This is a great way to release your feelings and just let go.

Further Information

During a lengthy illness, following the funeral, or sometimes long after the death of a loved one grief may become more than you are able or willing to handle. There are services and support which can help you through this time.

Anyone whose loved one was cared for by the Martlets is very welcome to make contact with our Bereavement Service by calling 01273 273400 or emailing

Useful Services and information:  

Cruse Bereavement Service 

Cruse offer a bereavement helpline to give support as you need it in addition to their website where you can also find resources on how to support your child.

0808 808 1677

Winston’s Wish  

Winston’s Wish has a wealth of resources and advice on how to support your child through bereavement, whilst also dealing with your own grief. They also have a free phone helpline you can call.

08088 020 021

Childhood Bereavement UK 

Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.